Neonatal Haematology and Hyperbilirubinaemia

International Online Symposium, 2nd and 3rd October 2020


The aim of the symposium is to actively exchange the latest findings and experiences in the field of neonatal haematology and hyperbilirubinemia. We will search for answers on how to handle haemolytic disease of the newborn, neonatal anaemia, thrombocytopenia and other haematological diseases and how to solve the problems related to the metabolism and toxicity of bilirubin. This education is aimed at primary, secondary and tertiary level paediatricians, neonatologists and perinatologists, haematologists, and others who treat newborns and are interested in recent findings in this field. The keynote speaker is going to be professor Enrico Lopriore from the Netherlands, who is one of the leading experts in neonatal haematology.

Due to the worldwide epidemiological changes the symposium will be organized online. Upon the registration you will be sent a personal code to enter the online platform. After 28th September the access to the lectures will be allowed; 2nd October between 15:00-19:30 and 3rd October between 10:00-14:30 you will be able to attend four lectures of our keynote speaker and take part in the discussion. During the symposium the participants will be able to ask questions which will be answered during the discussion. After the event the access to the lectures will be enabled for one more week.

Cilj simpozija je aktivna izmenjava znanja in izkušenj na področju neonatalne hematologije in hiperbilirubinemije. Iskali bomo odgovore na vprašanja kako ravnati pri hemolitični bolezni novorojenčka, anemiji, trombocitopeniji in drugih krvnih boleznih in kako reševati dileme povezane s presnovo in toksičnostjo bilirubina. Izobraževanje je namenjeno pediatrom, neonatologom in perinatologom, hematologom in vsem, ki se pri svojem delu srečujejo z bolnimi novorojenčki in jih zanimajo novejši izsledki tega področja. Vabljeni predavatelj je profesor Enrico Lopriore iz Nizozemske, ki je eden od vodilnih strokovnjakov na področju neonatalne hematologije.

Ob izzivih, ki jih prinašajo spremenjene epidemiološke razmere bomo organizirali online srečanje. Po tem, ko se boste prijavili, boste prejeli osebno kodo, s katero boste lahko vstopili v spletno učilnico. Od 28. septembra boste imeli dostop do predavanj; 2. oktobra med 15:00 in 19:30 ter 3. oktobra med 10:00 in 14:30 pa boste imeli dostop do dogodkov v živo: štirih predavanj vabljenega predavatelja in diskusij, vezanih na vsa predavanja. V posebni rubriki in v živo bomo zbrali vaša vprašanja in nanje poskušali odgovoriti v času diskusije. Poleg tega vam bomo na vaš naslov poslali učbenik Neonatalna hematologija in hiperbilirubinemija; po dogodku boste še en teden lahko dostopali do predavanj.

Zdravniška zbornica Slovenije je za udeležbo na simpoziju dodelila 12 kreditnih točk.


Department of Neonatology, Division of Paediatrics, University Medical Centre Ljubljana

Društvo za pomoč bolnim novorojenčkom – Prvi koraki

Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana


Darja Paro Panjan, Petja Fister, Aneta Soltirovska Šalamon, Jana Lozar Krivec, Gregor Nosan, Manca Velkavrh, Sandra Cerar, Mojca Kavčič, Rok Kučan, Jerneja Peček, Mojca Železnik


English and Slovenian


An invoice for the registration fee payment will be issued upon the receipt of a filled-in online registration.


50,00 € (including VAT).

Please pay the registration fee to the bank account of Društvo za pomoč bolnim novorojenčkom – Prvi koraki, Bohoričeva 20, Ljubljana, Slovenia. VAT: SI79796516, IBAN SI56 0201 4025 8480 229, SWIFT: LJBASI2X (Nova Ljubljanska banka d.d.). Please make sure that “Neonatal Haematology and Hyperbilirubinaemia 2020, Name and Surname of the participant” are clearly indicated as the purpose of remittance.


Enrico Lopriore:

Haemolytic disease of the newborn

Anaemia of prematurity

Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome

Neonatal thrombocytopenia

Jana Lozar Krivec: Foetal and neonatal haematopoiesis and interpreting complete blood counts after birth

Irena Bricl: Prevention of RhD Immunisation during pregnancy

Janja Mrak: Prevalence and antigenic specificity of clinically significant erythrocyte alloantibodies among pregnant women in Slovenia and cases of haemolytic diseases of the fetus and newborn requiring transfusion therapy

Tanja Premru-Sršen, Stanko Pušenjak, Gorazd Kavšek: Prevention and treatment of haemolytic disease in foetus

Petja Fister, Tomaž Križnar: Anaemia – when should we transfuse?

Lilijana Kornhauser-Cerar: Anaemia of prematurity – experience from Slovenian tertiary perinatal center

Petja Fister: Neonatal polycythaemia

Tomaž Prelog: The investigation and management of neonatal haemostasis and thrombosis

Faganel Kotnik Barbara: Approach to the bleeding newborn

Vladan Rajić: White blood cell disorders in newborn

Primož Poženel: Mesenchymal stem cells for neonatal disorder

Lovro Žiberna: Bilirubin metabolism and toxicity

Aneta Soltirovska Šalamon: Clinical, neurophysiological and imaging spectrum of bilirubin neurotoxicity

Gregor Nosan: Neonatal hyperbilirubinaemia – any news in treatment?

Jernej Brecelj, Manca Velkavrh: Prolonged jaundice – when to worry?


Friday, October 2nd 2020, 15:00-17:00

Introduction: Darja Paro-Panjan

Lecture 1: Enrico Lopriore: Haemolytic disease of the newborn

Discussion 1: Enrico Lopriore, Jana Lozar Krivec, Irena Bricl, Janja Mrak, Tanja Premru-Sršen

Irena Bricl: Prevention of RhD Immunisation during pregnancy

Janja Mrak: Prevalence and antigenic specificity of clinically significant erythrocyte alloantibodies among pregnant women in Slovenia and cases of haemolytic diseases of the fetus and newborn requiring transfusion therapy

Tanja Premru-Sršen, Stanko Pušenjak, Gorazd Kavšek: Prevention and treatment of haemolytic disease in foetus

Friday, October 2nd 2020, 17:30-19:30

Lecture 2: Enrico Lopriore: Neonatal thrombocytopenia

Discussion 2: Enrico Lopriore, Petja Fister, Jana Lozar Krivec, Barbara Kotnik Faganel, Tomaž Prelog, Vladan Rajić

Jana Lozar Krivec: Foetal and neonatal haematopoiesis and interpreting complete blood counts after birth

Barbara Faganel Kotnik: Approach to the bleeding newborn

Tomaž Prelog: The investigation and management of neonatal haemostasis and thrombosis

Vladan Rajić: White blood cell disorders in newborn

Saturday, 3rd October 2020, 10:00-12:00

Lecture 3: Enrico Lopriore: Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome

Discussion 3: Enrico Lopriore, Gregor Nosan, Tanja Premru-Sršen, Petja Fister, Primož Poženel

Petja Fister, Tomaž Križnar: Anaemia – when should we transfuse?

Primož Poženel: Mesenchymal stem cells for neonatal disorder

Petja Fister: Neonatal polycythaemia

Saturday, 3rd October 2020, 12:30-14:30

Lecture 4: Enrico Lopriore: Anaemia of prematurity

Discussion 4: Enrico Lopriore, Aneta Soltirovska Šalamon, Lilijana Kornhauser- Cerar, Lovro Žiberna, Gregor Nosan, Manca Velkavrh, Jernej Brecelj

Lilijana Kornhauser-Cerar: Anaemia of prematurity – experience from Slovenian tertiary perinatal center

Lovro Žiberna: Bilirubin metabolism and toxicity

Aneta Soltirovska Šalamon: Clinical, neurophysiological and imaging spectrum of bilirubin neurotoxicity

Gregor Nosan: Neonatal hyperbilirubinaemia – any news in treatment?

Jernej Brecelj, Manca Velkavrh: Prolonged jaundice – when to worry?

Closing remarks

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